Tuesday, October 19, 2010

3DS MAX and some basic materials and practical examples of parameters

The following are some I use the max material in some of the understanding, here for reference only, imperfections like to point out, though not comprehensive, but I believe you have to help.

Material types explained

Start MAX, press the M key keyboard, in the Material Editor dialog box pops up, in the lower left corner of the window material ball get Material button click, pop-up Material / Map Browser dialog box, shown in Figure 01.

Figure 01

1: advanced lighting override (high light material) - this material is generally used with light transmission, rendering time can be well controlled light transmission and reflectivity between objects.

2: blend (fusion material) - two different materials together, according to the different degree of integration, control the display of the extent of two material can be produced using this material deformation characteristics of animation, also can specify an image as a fusion mask mask, using its own gray value to determine the degree of integration of two materials, often used to produce more sophisticated texture objects, such as polished marble, Poqiang, dirty floors

3: compositors (synthetic material) - his function is to add together a number of different materials, including a basic material and 10 additional material, by adding, removal, and mixed to create a complex and diverse material objects, often used to production of animal and human skin, rusty metal, rock and other objects of complex materials.

4: double side (double-sided material) - positive and negative for objects or surfaces inside and outside the two different materials are specified, and they can control the transparency of each other to produce special effects, often double-sided display objects in a number of different needs material animation, such as playing cards, cups, etc..

5: ink'n paint (ink, paint or cartoon material) - cartoon material, black and white over gray is not so soft.

6: matte / shadow (hidden projection material) - it is the role of hidden objects in the scene, rendering can not see, will not block the background, but can also produce other objects block the acceptance of its projection and projection effect, many only see the projector can not see the animation object can use it to make.

7: morpher (deformation texture) - with the morpher modifier to use, resulting in material deformation animation integration.

8: multi / sub-object (multi-material) - you can set the number of material ID, to set up regional or multi-surface objects, the objects specified material, so a friend of this very practical package.

9: standard (basic materials) - the default is the open ball material.

10: raytrace (ray tracing material) - to establish a true reflection and refraction effects, making it the glass is one of the options. Support for fog, color density, translucent, fluorescent and other effects.

11: shell material (shell material) - specifically with the rendering to map the command to use, its role is to render to texture map created paste back to the command object modeling, rendering complex scenes can be occupied by Illumination time.

12: shellac (varnish material) - Simulation of metal paint, floor paint.

13: top / bottom (top and bottom material) - as an object specify different materials a bottom in the top one in the middle office can produce interactive transition effects, and the ratio of two materials can be adjusted.

1: 2DMaps (2d map)

Figure 02.

Figure 02

(1) bitmap (bitmap) - calling for more texture.
(2) bricks (blocks) - you can set it to brick walls and the mosaic and so on.
(3) checker (Checkerboard) - produce two-color grid staggered pattern, used to make brick, tile and so ordered texture.
(4) combustion (burning) - with discreet's combustion post-production software to use.
(5) gradient (gradient) - produces three-color gradient effect, a form of linear and radial gradients of two.
(6) gradient ramp (gradual extension) - produce multicolor gradient effect, providing up to 12 texture types, often used to make the stone surface, sky, water and other materials.
(7) swirl (coil) - the swirl of images produced in two colors, of course, but two kinds of maps, often used to simulate the water vortex, nebula and other effects.

2: 3DMaps (3d maps)

Figure 03.

Figure 03

(1) cellular (cell) - In addition to extracellular used to simulate the stone walls, cobblestone pavement and even the effect of the sea and other objects.

(2) dent (dent) - can produce a weathering and corrosion effects, commonly used in bump mapping, can do rock, rusty metal effect.
(3) falloff (attenuation) - produce two-color effect of the transition, (or both of the map) often with the opacity (hollow) mapping method to use, produce clear attenuation effect, for the production of crystal, sunlight, neon light, eye and other things, also used with the mask (mask) and mix (mixed) map, producing more material or cover the effect of gradual integration.
(4) marble (Marble) - produces the effect of fault rocks, also used the wood texture.
(5) noise (dry wave) - There are two color or texture of random mixing, to produce a hybrid point disorder effect, use more frequently, often used in rock, sky and so on.
(6) particle age (particle age) - dedicated to particle system, according to the time period set by the particle, respectively, beginning, middle, end of a particle specified three different colors or images, like the color gradient, but the real dynamic gradient, suitable for particle flow colored effect.
(7) particle mblur (particle motion blur) - According to the particle velocity fuzzy processing, often used with opacity maps.
(8) prelim marble (perlite) - in two colors mixed, produce effects similar to perlite texture. Common production of marble, planet and some have irregular texture of the object material.
(9) plante (planet) - have a similar effect of the earth texture, according to the color into the marine and terrestrial, often making the planet, the effect of rust.
(10) smoke (smoke) - filamentous, mist, flocculation and other disorderly texture, commonly used to do background and opacity maps, and bump the performance of rocks can also be combined with the effect of surface corrosion.
(11) speckle (speckle) - produce two-color stripes miscellaneous reasons, do granite and dust.
(12) splat (paint) - have a similar paint splash effect, so spray the walls, erosion and run-down of the object results.
(13) strucco (ash) - functions like splat, for corrosion and rusting of metal objects in run-down effect
(14) water (water) - a three-dimensional and plane wave texture.
(15) wood (wood) - do wood, wood, planets and so on.

3: Compositiors (synthetic textures)

Figure 04.

Figure 04


Is the different textures and colors mixed treatment, so that they become a map.
(1) compositors (synthetic) - multiple textures together, by mapping their own alpha channel, or output amt to determine the transparency of each other.
(2) mask (mask) - use a map as a mask, gray by mapping the size of their maps to show the material to be masking effect.
(3) mix (mixed) - mixed with two kinds of maps, by adjusting the number of values to produce a mixed result of the fusion with each other.
(4) rgb multiply (rgb multiplier) - the main way to cope with bump mapping, allow two colors or textures multiplied color processing, to increase the image contrast.

4: Color Mods (color change map)

Figure 05.

Figure 05

(1) out put - output - designed to set up some non-output mapping type.
(2) rgb tint - rgb coloring - through three color channels to adjust the map's colors, eliminating the need for us in the other image processing software processing time.
(3) vertex color - vertex colors - for editable grid object, it can also be used to create color gradient effect.

5: Other (reflection and refraction of type map)

Figure 06.

Figure 06

(1) flat mirror (mirror reflection) - for a total simulation of the surface plane mirror reflection effect, with the use of reflection mapping.
(2) raytrace (ray tracing) - to provide real full reflection and refraction, but longer rendering time.
(3) reflectrefract (reflection and refraction) - with the reflection, refraction maps generated using reflection, refraction effects, faster, can be used for animation.
(4) thin wall refraction (thin wall refraction) - with the reflection map used to produce the refraction lens distortion effects, speed, used to make glass and a magnifying glass, produce more realistic textures.

Here are some of the production method and material parameters (this is a living)
Note: - The delivery layer

1: broken roof

Using blend materials - transition zone - the exchange of the region - by adjusting the value to control the shape of the curve, when the two values close to, the texture of black and white transition zone will have a clear sharp edge integration, otherwise the integration of a fuzzy edge

Material 1 --- diffuse - noise mapping - color1 - dark brown, color2 - dark yellow size - 20
bump - noise --------- amount - 690 - strong bump
Material 2 - fill the first of the pit, but also effects the performance of crack
diffuse - noise - color1: dark brown, color2: beige, size: 3
bump - marble - black, white --- 40amt
Fusion Set: mix amt: 70

2: The column (vertical bar with the texture and the corrosion effect of cement dust column)

Basic Materials - Cement mapping
diffuse - noise - color1: gray, color2: white size: 8
bump - noise - black, white size: 2. 3
Vertical bar textures - Additional Material 1
diffuse - noise - color1: dark brown, color2: lime green
opactiy - marble - color1: dark gray, color: light gray - to achieve exposure through a transparent texture
Vertical bar texture, while the basic materials will be displayed
Dust and corrosive material - Additional Material 2
diffuse - noise - black, gray, size :50 ---- performance of dust
bump - smoke texture - color1: black, white size :10 --- performance corrosion effect
Synthesis parameters ---
Additional Material 1 --- 98 --- 46 Additional Material 2

3: wall (with speckle texture) - carved in the wall with moss

diffuse - specle mapping - color1 - dark green (moss) - color2 (with the dust of the wall): Default color
color2 - noise - color1: Black color2: light brown
bump - texture pattern of the bitmap

4: floor (splat) on the floor covered with dust and dirt

diffuse - splat - color1 - wood texture - the basic material
color2 - noise - black, dark green - the soil dust
--- (Add a bump map to the soil part of the bulge will be more true)

5: covered with gold dust relief

Reflective mode - metal, reflective intensity - 160, smoothness - 31
diffuse - gradient ramp - yellowish - Dark Gold - more yellowish (corrosion discoloration of gold) is also used as a stone
bump - the golden image map
Since the light texture - the golden image map (better reflect the metal outline of light relief)
--- Otherwise, add noise maps can be, or variable blend material with metal scratches

6: Corrosion of metal
compositors synthetic material
Method: You hand the corrosion of metal materials there, and then use additional materials to the performance of corrosion (through transparent textures)
Basic Material: strauss, 97,20
diffuse - noise - color1: dark red, color2: light dark
Additional material: strauss, 87,60
diffuse: corrosion off a bitmap image
opaity: splat

7: The moon (which can be looming in the animation)

top-button material
top material - moonlight - from light yellow for the month
button - the transparency to 0 (to display background reflect the moonlight effect)
Adjust the edge - blend :23 - position: 46
These two parameters can be adjusted to achieve animation effects
At this time the moon is up and down direction, to read about the election should be in the material coordinates in local mode
Moon then you can rotate the scene

8: water drops

Reflective type - phong-smooth high-light area - glass, plastic, etc.
Reflective Intensity - 72
Smoothness --- 48
index of refraction --- 1.33
Specular Map - raytrace - Background color - dark green - instead of the environment, fast rendering - amt - 60
Refraction texture - thin wall refraction - refractive effect produced between objects

Some of these materials is only about the introduction, in practice, we should slowly try to integrate the scene of the parameters.

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Joint Commerce and Industry of India: India will rely heavily on computer hardware in China

British "Financial Times" Amy Ye (Amy Yee) in New Delhi

Joint Commerce and Industry of India (Assocham) warned that by 2010, India is expected to worth 35 billion U.S. dollars of computer hardware will depend on China, accounting for more than a third of expected demand, the Government of India highlighted the neglect of science and technology industry , as positive as China.

銆??杩欏鍗板害鍟嗕笟浜т笟闆嗗洟鏈?柊鍏竷鐨勪竴浠芥姤鍛婃樉绀猴紝鏃ョ泭澧為暱鐨勫浗鍐呴渶姹傚皢鎰忓懗鐫?紝鍗板害瀵逛腑鍥界數鑴戠‖浠剁殑渚濊禆绋嬪害灏嗚繀閫熸彁楂橈紝鍥犱负鍦ㄤ腑鍥芥斂绛栫殑鎺ㄥ姩涓嬶紝涓浗鐨勭‖浠朵环鏍兼洿浣庡粔锛屼骇鍝佹洿鍏风珵浜夊姏銆?br />
India Joint Business Council president 闃垮凹灏旈樋鍔?Val (Anil Agarwal), said China has chip manufacturing as a strategic industry, and the Indian government's policy has seriously neglected the development of hardware manufacturing.

Resulting a result, India's personal computer (PC) penetration rate "well below" the Chinese.

At present, India has about 10 million personal computers, the equivalent of less than 10 units per 1,000 people, while China has more than 40.

India Joint Business Council estimated that by 2010, India's IT hardware such as computers and the demand for chips will reach 93 billion U.S. dollars.

By then, India's domestic production is expected to reach 23 billion U.S. dollars, and the remaining 70 billion U.S. dollars worth of Chinese imports needs to be met.

銆??濡傛灉寮曡繘浣庢垚鏈釜浜虹數鑴戯紝鍒?008骞达紝鍗板害鐨勭數鑴戞嫢鏈夐噺鍙兘浼氬鑷?500涓囧彴銆?However, the Indian Joint Business Council, said the key to pushing down the price of local manufacture of hardware, but this sector is still "very small, depends on the assembly, and divided."

The organization said that in the past 8 years, India has been in the appropriate hardware manufacturing policy. India's hardware to ensure that "no longer at a disadvantage," they need to develop infrastructure, strengthen logistics support, an incentive mechanism, but so far not been much progress in these areas.

銆??鍗板害鍥藉唴纭欢甯傚満浠峰?浼拌绾︿负240浜跨編鍏冦? In the sales of products, one-third from China, and the rest from the mainland of China, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, EU and U.S. imports.



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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

20, the fifth opening of Dalian Software Fair

June 20 morning news, today 9:30, the Fifth International Software Fair in Dalian Furama Hotel in Dalian, curtain, soft Fair Main Forum "Global Software and Information Service Forum and Entrepreneur Summit" first opened. Soft Fair opening ceremony will be held on June 21 held on the morning of the official.

Liu Guoqiang, vice governor of Liaoning Province, Vice Minister of Commerce Yi Xiaozhun, Gou Zhongwen, vice minister of Ministry of Information Industry and Dalian Mayor Xia Deren attended the morning and addressed the main forum, while attending the Japanese economy were the main forum Industry Takagi Yoshitomo on behalf of the Minister of Administrative Officer.

Vice Minister of Commerce Yi Xiaozhun said in his speech at the forum, according to Commerce Department statistics, in 2006 to undertake outsourcing business to Chinese enterprises, 10 billion dollars.

It is willing to sell tin survey, in 2006 the global offshore outsourcing market reached 465 billion U.S. dollars, the Chinese software enterprises this provides a huge market opportunity. At present, China in software outsourcing with certain scale and well-known companies including Neusoft, Dalian Hoi Fai, iSoftStone, Evans innovation.

Soft Fair will be the fifth four-day, 20 to 24 in Dalian World Expo Plaza. June 20 Japan-based Forum, the opening ceremony will be held on the morning of June 21. Exhibition area has remained at 3 million square meters, the exhibition presents several outstanding highlights:

First, there are new breakthroughs in the scope of domestic provinces and cities, Tianjin, Sichuan, Hunan, Shanxi, Guangxi, Xinjiang and other provinces to participate in the soft first intersection, make the exhibition more extensive coverage, the formation of a national industrial exhibition, exchange, cooperation, large platform;

Second, the first Indian companies to enter the soft Fair, India's largest software company Infosys company unveiled the high-profile shows that the rapid development of China's software industry momentum and soft at the intersection of Indian companies has been a platform for attention and recognition;

The third is Japan's largest electronics show CEATEC in the host to attempt the same period in this exhibition, organized with the Japan Electronics Show in Dalian Field Show (JES Dalian), the intersection of international cooperation for the soft opening of new paths and patterns.

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HR in the eyes of professional managers should prepare quality

Professional managers in China, despite the wide attention, but the local team of professional managers still sizable. Recently, the "knowledge Wei Xing Yuan" Fudan MBA cultural tourism activities focus on the third theme of the Forum "HR in the eyes of professional managers - MBA students should focus on training of literacy", around the "professional managers
Literacy "topics discussed.

Chinese Human Resources Director, said Wang Ling, corporate recruiters have to carry out personality tests, according to the strengths of his personality to give him the organization of work; the other part is the skills and techniques of investigation, mainly to see his past work experience; finally look at his values, one with the mainstream values of social development, the second is the customer values.

Xindi Si Shanghai Medical Instrument Co., Ltd. National Training Manager, Deng Haiqiong that the cultivation of professional managers literacy is HR (human resources director) need to focus on the things considered, candidates must be used with the company's values are matched.

"To my mind soul and eyes to light, conversation to profit, heart to heat, hands to do" is the Lotus Supermarket chain Luo Yibing, vice president of human resources department of the request. The company has enrolled in Fudan University's MBA graduates 5th, they first consider the candidate to have "big smart", must grasp of things, grasp of the strategy; followed by the eye to light, the candidate of their own grasp of the future is very clear and very understanding of their industry and market conditions; addition candidates to articulate their own, work hard, have passion in mind.

The most basic quality of professional managers is to have good professional ethics, this is the consensus of many enterprises, that is, shareholders and the absolute loyalty to the company, a high degree of professionalism, be able to observe the company's trade secrets. M organ Stanley Yan Haiyun that human resource managers are professional managers of occupational first quality. Luo Yibing also stressed the importance of professional ethics, she has been talking with the staff an example, when the stack of money in the face of corporate interests want you to sell when you want to clear the problem that the next 30-year career, his reputation Is it only the money value of the Da.

There is no doubt that professional managers should have the necessary operational capacity, which the professional ability, leadership is more important. Senior Human Resources Manager, Philips Lighting Alumia that as a professional manager is the first professional players, to the knowledge in this field there is enough in understanding the breadth, depth, also have sufficient knowledge. Also have to have a strong management capabilities, this is the only professional career executives. B & Q director, executive vice president of human resources that Chen Lili, a good professional managers, should be a good human resources manager, a good financial manager, then the professional manager. Alcatel Shanghai Bell Co., Ltd. Production Operations Director of Human Resources Kong Yi believes that professional managers of the most important quality is leadership, leadership is reflected in, and subordinate, superior and lateral communication and cooperation between colleagues, "Leadership our career in professional managers must pay attention to the quality. "

In addition, confidence, humility, integrity, affinity is also recognized as a professional manager that people should have the quality.

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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Young professionals entering the workplace to learn the three key issues

A new job, there are numerous problems to be addressed, there are many issues to study, about three key issues:

A personal brand

銆??瑕佺浉淇℃瘡涓汉鐨勫伐浣滈兘瀛樺湪浜ゆ崲鐨勫彲鑳芥?锛屼笉绠℃湁浣曠悊鐢憋紝閮戒笉浼氭敼鍙樿繖鏍风殑浜嬪疄銆?Does this mean that at any moment lose their jobs a possibility?涔熸湭蹇呫?鍥犱负姣忎釜浜洪兘鏈夎嚜宸辩殑鐗硅川锛岀壒璐ㄦ槸鏃犳硶浜掓崲鐨勩?鍕囨皵銆佹壙鎷呮劅銆佹鐩村彲闈犵瓑绛夐兘灞炰釜浜虹壒璐紝瀵圭壒璐ㄧ殑瑕佹眰寰?線涓嶄簹浜庡涓撲笟鑳藉姏鐨勮姹傘? Working in teams, especially in those that deal with a lot of people work in teams, create a personal brand is the top priority. Also, if you engage in work on behalf of the company's external image, personal brand is even more important.

Second, time management skills

Working hours, always will be kept of meetings, telephone and e-mail harassment, a result, you often have to work longer hours and had to spend 10 hours at his desk or even longer working hours! This is not a good sign, from one side will show your poor time management.濡備綍鏉ョ鐞嗘椂闂达紵 From little things. For example, a fixed time every morning and afternoon as incoming Mail, ready for a well-designed notebook, to update the schedule each day, each record may wish to detail a few points a few minutes, it can bring you from day to day chaos in the rescue. Another point to mention is that when in need, might close the QQ and MSN, which also allows you to save a lot of time.

Third, language ability

銆??鎯冲儚涓?笅锛屽鏋滀綘鍦ㄤ細瑙佸鎴锋椂涓滄媺瑗挎壇锛屽湪渚嬩細涓婁笉鐭ユ墍浜戯紝鍦ㄨ?鏉块潰鍓嶆唻寰椾竴鍙ヨ瘽涔熻涓嶅嚭鈥︹?杩欐牱鐨勬儏鏅鏈夊闅句负鎯咃紒 In order to avoid these situations arise, it is necessary to take remedial speech about the art. A lot of capacity for speech language classes can help you become active, to help you eliminate the environment in public speaking fear. And external environment, staff need direct contact with eloquent, for example, sales, buyers and public relations personnel, etc. In addition, even those within the company responsible for administrative coordination of people, good language skills more and more important because, if you want to ensure the smooth progress of daily work, good communication between colleagues and exchange is a necessary prerequisite.


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Friday, July 23, 2010

Chinese input method commonly used fast switching

Input method is the high frequency of computer users use the software, but many of my friends commonly used Wubi, Purple Pinyin input method such as Windows should be added after the install. Input more trouble out: The system installed default input method is "English", when we want to use the Chinese input method, the general selection method is to click the button input tray, the pop-up input method list Select the desired input method. Of course, we can continuously press the Ctrl + Shift in Chinese input method to choose. However, these methods are more cumbersome, in fact, through some simple settings, we can be their own commonly used input method "on hand" - press the key combination you can call, convenient and fast!

Chinese input method to set the preferred

The so-called Chinese input method of choice, that is, start Windows, press Ctrl + Space keys to switch to the input.

1. Windows 2000/XP settings

Click the "Start 鈫?Control Panel 鈫?Date, Time, Language and regional settings 鈫?Regional and Language Options", then click the "Language" tab under "Details" button, open the interface shown in Figure 1. Interface in the "Installed Services" window "Chinese 鈫?Keyboard", will row in front of their own input method commonly used input method selection to delete (right click to select, then click the interface to the right of "delete "button).

If you need any additional input method, the interface can then click "Add" button in the open window, first "Input Language" is set to "Chinese (China)" and then select the "Keyboard layout / IME "before the check box, and then later in the drop-down list, select the input method, such as" Chinese (simplified) - Larry. " After setting a continuous click "OK" button to exit, since then press Ctrl + Space key combination, you can immediately switch to their favorite Chinese input method!

2. Windows 98/Me settings

Click the "Start 鈫?Settings 鈫?Control Panel", double-click the "Input" icon in the pop-up "input method Properties" dialog box, click the "Input" tab, select the most prefer to use the input method, click "set as default" button, then click "OK" button. If you do not want to set as the default input method of Chinese input method, but to set it to the second input method, you can use the same method and then set the text input as the default input method, click "OK" save the settings. Restart the computer, English as the default input method, and most prefer to use the Chinese input method as the second input, Chinese input method is preferred.

Using shortcut keys to switch Chinese input method

How, set up Chinese input method of choice is not hard, right? In fact, we can also own Chinese input method commonly used to designate a group of shortcuts, so that would be more convenient to use them.

1. Windows 2000/XP settings

Access to the interface shown in Figure 1, the use of mouse click "button to set the (K) ..." button, open the "Advanced Key Settings" dialog box. In the dialog box, select the shortcut keys need to set the input method, such as "switch to the Chinese (Chinese) - Wangmawubi font input method" and then click the "Change key sequence" button, as shown in Figure open interface, select the shortcut key combinations (with the mouse click or select the appropriate option to), such as I will be five-stroke input method set to "Ctrl + Shift +5". Later when you want to use Wubi, just hit the shortcut key.

2. Windows 98/Me settings

Open the "Input Properties" dialog box, select "Hot Keys" tab, and then in the "project" For the next set shortcut keys to select the input method, such as Wubi. Selected first key combination want to use the function key before the check box, such as "Ctrl", then "primary key" to select a key, such as "5." After setting click "OK" button to exit. Now press the "Ctrl +5" key combination, you can easily switch to a five-stroke input method!


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Saturday, July 3, 2010

#1 DVD to Zune & Zune Video Converter

#1 Zune Video Converter Suite is an all-in-one Zune video Conversion software.
This suite includes #1 Zune Video Converter" and #1 DVD to Zune Converter". So with this Zune Video Converter suite, you can convert both DVD’s and video files to your Zune video. You can enjoy your favorite DVD’s and video movies on your Zune as a portable DVD Player. Now you can get this Zune Converter Suite at a very competitive price!

It support convert DVD to Zune directly. Some other softwares need two steps: 1. convert DVD to avi; 2. convert output avi to Zune. That solution wastes lots of your time. #1 need only one step, direct convert video DVD to Zune. So our conversion speed is far faster than others.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Explosion DVD to 3GP

Explosion DVD to 3GP is an All-in-One solution to create Mobile Phone 3GP movies from DVDs, TV shows and downloaded videos. The software combines DVD to 3GP Converter and 3GP Video Converter in one package for discounted price. The software is easy to use. It features superb video audio quality and the fastest conversion techniques availabe on the market (Up to 3x faster).

Explosion DVD to 3GP easy converts all popular video formats such as AVI, DivX/Xvid, WMV, RM, MPG, MOV, MPEG (and many more) videos into Mobile Phone 3GP format. Watch movies on the road. Support all mobile phones with 3GP video capability. The software is very easy to use. It compresses a full lengh movie into small size which can be fitted in a 128MB memory card. Carry your movie theater on the go! Watch movies anywhere, anytime - a new life style.

Recommand Link:

Unprotect and Rip DVD to iPod

Youtube Video Save + Converter Tools

SuperBurner M4V Converter

Verysoft IPod Video Converter

video to ARCHOS 5

Reviews Audio Recorders

Explosion DVD TO 3GP

DVD To IRiver E200 Software

Swift DVD to FLV MP4 Flash

Andromeda Hyper DVD to IPOD Ripper


Christmas-Idea DVD to M4V Apple TV 3GPP

Hot Nature - Screen Savers

AC3 Mobile Phone

Aimersoft IPhone Converter Suite

Youtube TO 3GP Tools

Storage Cartoons - Screen Savers

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ultimate DVD + Video Converter Platinum

Cucusoft Ultimate DVD + Video Converter Suite converts DVD's and videos to play on almost any portable device including iPod, iPhone, Zune, PSP, video capable MP3 players, video capable mobile phones, and Pocket P.C., etc. Meanwhile, it can also support output almost any audio/video format including Video format(H264, MP4, WMV, AVI, MOV, RM, 3GP, flv, SWF, mpeg-1, mpeg-2, VideoCD, SuperVideoCD, DVD, etc.) and Audio format(AC3, AAC, MP2, MP3, MP4, RA, WMA, etc.). You can enjoy your Audio/Video life with this all in one Ultimate DVD + Video Converter Suite from now on.

Recommand Link:

Virtins Pocket Signal Generator

EASY Computer Education

Freeware soft library

Best Benchmarking

Youtube Video to Blackberry Pack

YOUTUBE FLV to Psion Program


Icon Tools introduction

DVD Copy

Newpentium AVI Converter

Bluesea MP3 AAC CD to WAV Backup

X-Cloner Flash to iPhone

Youtube Movie to H264 Ultra

Friday, May 28, 2010

Open DVD to RM

Open DVD to RM is the best RealMedia converter software. easy convert Real Media files(.rm, .rmvb) to AVI, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, VCD, SVCD, DVD files. convert RM/RMVB to AVI DIVX XVID MPEG VCD SVCD DVD and burn to DVD/CD. You can change the codec/system type to PAL or NTSC, and adjust the video size of the output files . It supports to convert almost all video, such as: RM to AVI, RM to DIVX XVID, RM to MPEG-1, RM to MPEG-2, RM to WMV, RM to VCD, RM to DVD, RM to PSP Video, iPod Video, Zune Video, iPhone Video...

Support convert AVI, Divx, ASF, WMV, WMA, MPEG, MOV, QT, RM, RMVB, file to MPEG with all encode format such as VCD PAL/NTSC, SVCD PAL/NTSC, DVD PAL/NTSC, MPEG-1 standard, MPEG-2 standard etc. Support convert AVI, Divx, ASF, WMV, WMA, MPEG, MOV, QT, RM, RMVB, file to AVI with all encode format such as DIVX, XVID, Mircosoft MPEG-4 etc.

Recommand Link:

Youtube to Xbox 360 Software

Freeware software download site

Youtube to PDA Utility

Professional VOB to AVI 3GP

Youtube Movie to Xvid Today

Clone My DVD

Youtube Movie to Zune Help


CheapestSoft All to iPod Movie Converter

Video To Audio Converter

AlltoDVD RM Converter

Youtube Backup + CONVERTER Pack

Premier Log Analysers

Audio Video Tools Evaluation

Graphic Specialist

Yaease iPhone Video Converter

Uloysoft Ultimate DVD + Video CONVERTER

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Perpetually Flash to PSP PS3 iPhone

Perpetually Flash to PSP PS3 iPhone is a professional video converter to convert Flash to PSP PS3 iPhone, and convert almost all popular video/movie formats to Blackberry MP4 format. The output iPhone MP4 video files can be played on your Blackberry. All popular video/movie formats are supported, including AVI, MPEG/MPG/DAT, WMV, ASF, MP4, M4V, 3GP, 3G2, H264, MPEG4, AVC, MOV, QT, DivX, XviD, VOB, FLV, etc. The amazing output quality with super fast conversion speed is brough you by the built-in power MPEG4 encoder. All the output iPhone MP4 videos fit your Blackberry.

Recommand Link:

Youtube Video to AVI Professional

CoreSoft DVD to PSP Video Converter

Youtube FLV TO Cell Phone Products

Supper DVD convert iPhone Video Tool


convert DVD To NWZ S544

free windows Application downloads



AMR OGG to BlackBerry

Lohan DVD to DivX

Youtube Movie To PS3 Software

How-to YouTube to iPod

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Magic Flash Decompiler

Magic Flash Decompiler is professional SWF decompiling software which offers a treasure trove of tools for those who want to extract elements from flash movies, edit dynamic texts and images of flash movies. You can effortlessly convert between EXE and SWF files. Similar to other utilities in this genre, Magic Flash Decompiler allows you to extract SWF elements such as image, shape, sound, font, text, button, sprite, script and frame from any SWF file. It works without a hitch and in our test, the program showed good speed.

This program is designed to virtually anyone who needs to extract elements from flash movies, just buy it and let Magic Flash Decompiler do more with your flash decompiling.

Magic Flash Decompiler supports the conversion between SWF and EXE file.
Magic Flash Decompiler allows you to replace images of current flash movie with desired images and also allows editing dynamic texts (text, diaphaneity, font, color) at your will.

Recommand Link:

Quicktime to apple quicktime free download

Friday, April 9, 2010

Alive Video Joiner

Alive Video Joiner is a professional video tool to Join multiple video files into one large file in AVI, MPEG, WMV, or RM format. You can combine multiple AVI, MPEG, WMV or ASF files into one large video file, and save as AVI, MPEG, WMV, RM format. Alive Video Joiner supports encoding AVI with DivX, XviD, MPEG-4, and encoding MPEG with MPEG-1 and MPEG-2, DVD, VCD, SVCD.

Alive Video Joiner allows you to add an unlimited number of video files to the list and rearrange their order you needed, then merge the videos files to a large movie file in in various formats.

In addition, The intuitive interface makes Alive Video Joiner the perfect tool for both new and experienced users. It supports drag-drop to load or add video files, conversion with volume adjusting and width*height adjusting, and full conversion options and more! For more information about the company and its products, please visit http://www.alivemedia.net.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Happiness Youtube Encode

Happiness Youtube Encode is a All-in-One powerful tool. Convert all popular video and audio formats to Youtube video, swf or flv to video, such as avi, mpeg, 3gp, mp4, mov, it offers the solutions to problems that many other flash to video converting tools cannot solve, such as video and audio asynchronization, loss of frames, audio distortion, the process of alpha channel, and the process of both internal and external Flash video(flv). With the leading audio and video codec, Happiness Youtube Encode lets you easily and fully enjoy the original effects of your Flash files on your PC, iPod, PSP, Zune, iPhone, DVD players and Youtube Video, Google video, Myspace Video. In conclusion, with easy-to-use interface, fast converting speed, powerful functions.

Recommand Link:

converting Dv to vob

Friday, March 12, 2010

Youtube Movie to Psion Guide

Hot popluar youtube video Converter + download + player tool. With YouTube tool you can also convert downloaded YouTube videos to a format compatible with your favorite portable device; including - iPod Video, iPod Touch, iPod Nano, iPhone, Zune, PSP, as well as video capable MP3 players, video capable mobile phones, and Pocket PC, And finally... YouTube tool's embedded player will allow you to watch all your favorite YouTube videos off-line. So now you can enjoy any .flv and .swf videos anytime!
Supports YouTube video or any .flv and .swf file as input file. Supports not only YouTube video, but also various video formats as input file, including avi, DivX, XviD, rm, rmvb, MOV, MPEG, WMV. Supports a wide variety of output file format., including avi, DivX, XviD, rm, rmvb, MOV, MPEG, WMV. Provides various profiles, these profiles can meet the needs of most people. - is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet.

Recommand Link:

Ogm To Blackberry Converter

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

ALL PRO Video Tools

6 Video Tools in 1 Kit : Video Converter, Editer, DVDtoGo Ripper & Burner, Capture Wizard & Video ReMaker


- Convert between all Video formats: AVI (DivX, XviD, etc.), DV AVI, MP4 (inc. Zune, PSP and iPod), WMV, 3GP, 3G2, QuickTime (MOV, QT), SWF, DVD, VOB, VRO,MPG, MPEG 1,2,4, DAT, VCD, SVCD, ASF, MJPEG, H.263, H.264, Real Video (RM, RMVB), DVR-MS.

- Create movie DVDs or VCD and SVCD from any Video file with AVS Video Tools integrated burning engine to watch them on your home DVD player. Use DVD menu templates. Split your movie into chapters.

- Copy DVD and Video files to DVD, hard drive, Zune, PSP, iPod or any other portable media player. Video Tools support Memory Stick Video format with thumbnail preview.

- Make Video content for DVD/MPEG-4 players (with DivX/XviD support) and handled devices like Zune, PSP, iPod, Portable Media Player (PMP), and GSM or CDMA mobile phones. Transfer Video files via Infrared, Bluetooth or USB cable.

- Transfer Video from DV cams to hard drive and make movie DVDs. Transfer VHS Video recorders to hard drive and DVD. Capture Video from TV tuners and WEB cameras. Save Video directly to MPEG 4 and create movie DVDs.

- Make Flash SWF, Real Video or WMV movies for your web site. AVS Video Tools will help you to produce small movie files ready to be streamed across the Internet.

- Extract audio tracks and images from Video files. Save audio streams as audio files, extract single frames and save them as image files.

- Enhance your movies. The only Video converter which offers timeline Video editing. Delete unwanted parts. Split and join Video files. Rotate, add titles and credits, apply more than 50 audio and Video effects to your movies.

- Process several Video files at once. Merge and split them. Join several Video files and make one DVD.

Recommand Link:

download youtube to wmp software